Diet is mainly two types (vegetarian and non- vegetarian ), but both diets are good if taken in the required amount. Gym lovers love to take meat in order to build muscles because meat contains a large amount of proteins, and they also prefer to take green vegetables to remain fit and healthy, on the other hand, old people can take green vegetables to digest food properly as their immunity to digest food get slow. If old people take food like meat, fish, they suffer from stomach problems as this food is heavy and take time to digest.
Wednesday, 3 June 2020
Diet for person like water for plant.
I compare diet with water because human body doesn't work properly without a better diet and gets tired as a plant unable to grow without water. If a healthy diet containing (vegetables, fruits) is taken by a person, it make body energetic to work with strength as plants need compost to grow properly and to give large amount of fruits.
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